Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sleeping in a Box

Ok!! So I have worked out that I am pretty BAD at keeping up with this blogging thing. Sorry Jacqui, I definitly will get that recipe to you!!

I am TOTALLY going to blame work. Heaps of stress at the moment. BIG changes for next year and we are all trying to get our heads around it. Heaps of extra work which I am trying to get a start on so that I am not doing it all holidays!
So I am blaming that and the fact it is end of term (2 weeks to go!!YAY!!) and I am totally fagged out (he he.....funny saying)  Everyone is tired and cranky. Christmas parties have started and Paul has been doing some overtime too..... Yikes! CAN'T WAIT for holidays to do some creative stuff for myself. The list is endless of things I want to do.
Anyway a photo for Grandma.

The are so cute! And this wasn't set up. Chase just came and sat next to Jett and he put his arm around him. Even though they fight (their boys!) they do get along really well.

AND now the explaination for the title of this blog.

Paul's mum and dad got a new TV today and gave the box to the boys to play with. It is a plasma so the box is really skinny... Hardley enough room for anything. ANYWAY at lunchtime today when it was time for a nap (mum included although it didn't work out that way) Jett told daddy that he wanted to sleep in his box!! Paul indulged him (anything to get him to sleep) and set up a bed. NOW for claustrophobic me it is WAY too small and WAY too much like a coffin. But for Jett it was exactly what he wanted and proceeded to go to sleep. And sleep for 2 hours.

THEN when it comes to going to bed tonight he decided he still wants to sleep in his box. (Anything to get him to sleep!!) So i dragged it into his room and that is currently where he is.... sleeping in his box.....

Quote (when he got into bed) "OH MUM. Its SO comfy!"


1 comment:

jacqui jones said...

whatever makes them sleep i say
very cute but

did he sleep all night??

oh the end of the school year...yeh dont miss that stress