Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Busy Week

Well this week has been really busy. Work is at that time of year when reports etc are due. (Yikes!) The marking that has to be done. (sigh) And we are waiting to hear what we will be teaching next year and who with.

On the home front, Number 2 (I think I might refer to them by number at the moment. I know it's harsh but easier. Till I decide what I am going to do re: names etc)has started sleeping in a 'big bed'. Came home on Wednesday and hubby had dismantled the cot and put up a big bed for him. He is doing really well although is worse than Number 1 at falling out during the night. Four times on Friday! Found him stuck under the bed with his foot sticking out (like the witch out of the Wizard of OZ, when the house landed on her. he he) I put it against the wall yesterday and it was only 2 last night.

Number 1 slept in his bed last night. I finally put summer sheets on yesterday and he was watching me make the bed. When he went to bed last night he said "i want to sleep on the floor" and then when I put him in bed he said "Oh mum, its PERFECT!!" Make me laugh. He still didn't sleep there all night though.

He is so attached to that Diego doll. SORRY 'boy' (It's not a doll! Its a boy)

I think I have the 'adding' photos thing now.... Maybe.... Touch wood.....

On the home front, last week-ends cooking was mums boiled pineapple fruitcake. Very nice although I think I boiled the mixture too long.

Also made washing powder for the house husband to do the washing on Friday. I am not sure about the 'cheapness' of it yet. I might have to make the liquid or go back to the environmentally friendly one i used to use.

I sewed the nappy together. This is what it looks like now. 

The next step is to put in the elastic and the velcro. I think that it is going to be too small. Lucky I havn't cut anymore out. Anyway we'll see. The crutch looks awfully long.

To finish on (at the moment) the boys riding their bikes this morning.

Looking over my post I think that this will become a "diary" of events which I am pleased about as I go through stages of taking photos. It will help me remember things especially about the kids when they are little. I guess I will develop my own 'style'.
(I really need to think about doing something about taking photos. They're pretty generic. Probably need to learn to 'edit' them before I post)

1 comment:

jacqui jones said...

the nappy looks great
we have been using traning pants, homemade is so nice